1.And he now uses the entire body and mind in intimate contact with the Daoxian County, should also be and he has a sense of origin place.
2.Architectural experience brings the world into a most intimate contact with the body.
3.Fortunately, our reporter kept on waiting and finally got a very close [intimate contact] with her.
4.Forest margins base in beautiful forest forest margins line, so close to the edge of the forest can be intimate contact with nature.
5.I will feel satisfied even if it is the intimate contact between you and me for the first time.
6.It has the air of harmful substances absorbed, with its intimate contact you still safe?
7.This small request, let the audience fans, rushed to the stage directions, and Su Miaoling had a " intimate contact" , a warm atmosphere.
8.During the pumping cycle the gas is in intimate contact with the sealing liquid and compression is nearly isothermal.
9.On the beach to see Australian animals and marine life, you can close intimate contact with them.
10.This presents a tortuous flow path to ensure intimate contact of the impurities on the surfaces and within the pores of the carbon.